Latest news – zoning progress
As of January 13, 2025
We are working with our experts to prepare for the February 4 meeting of the Orange County Board of Commissioners. It is possible that the consideration of our application will be carried over to the March 4 meeting. 2T members can check their email for details, or contact any Board member to learn more.
As of July 11, 2024
What happened at the July 10 Orange County Planning Board meeting?
Here’s a short version of the email that 2T and H4D Members were sent on July 11, for friends who are not members but want to stay informed:
The Orange County Planning Board voted to recommend to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) that they deny our three-part application to rezone H4D’s Morrow Mill property. The vote was unanimous.
The recommendation of the Planning Board is not binding on the BOCC, although it carries weight.
Their justification for this action was unconvincing to us and appeared to be heavily influenced by the strong opposition to development by Morrow Mill area residents expressed at the meeting and by emails written to the Planning Board.
The Zoning Application: Members of 2T, the Hands Four Development cooperative and our professional teams prepared the application for rezoning of the property on which Fiddlehead Corner will be build. It was accepted as complete by Orange County in January 2023. These public records are rich in details, and we encourage you to explore. The most interesting link is probably “Attachments”.